Welcome to the Osaka Christmas Jesus Parade.
「6:10 終わりに言います。主にあって、その大能の力によって強められなさい。
6:11 悪魔の策略に対して立ち向かうことができるために、神のすべての武具を身に着けなさい。
6:12 私たちの格闘は血肉に対するものではなく、主権、力、この暗やみの世界の支配者たち、また、天にいるもろもろの悪霊に対するものです。」エペソ6-10~12
The Jesus Parade is a wonderful opportunity for us to express our faith and connect with our community. Through this event, many people have experienced God's grace and have been able to share joy together. Each participant's testimony reaffirms the strength of our faith.
We hope you will read these testimonies and feel God's work and His grace. We would also be grateful if you could invite more participants.
When many small lights come together, they can create a great light that shines the love of Jesus throughout the city of Osaka. Let’s boldly share the gospel in the streets of Osaka together!
「6:10 Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power.
6:11 Put on all the armor that God gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the Devil's evil tricks.
6:12 For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age.」
We are excited to announce the Osaka Jesus Easter Parade in Osaka. Gather at Shin-Awa Park by 1:00 PM for an outdoor praise gathering and prayers. Pastor Nagata from Osaka Elim Christian Church will deliver a message. Following police guidance, the Jesus Parade will embark on a 2.9-kilometer route. The parade will proclaim the Word, fill the streets of Osaka with praise, and bless the city through a prayer walk.
As the spiritual battles intensify in the end times, the Bible prophesies significant spiritual and worldly turmoil during this period. The Scriptures indicate that as the culmination of history approaches, there will be increasing signs and events signaling the end.
In these prophetic verses, the Bible speaks of wars and rumors of wars, nations rising against nations. It forewarns of natural disasters such as earthquakes and famines, the spread of diseases, and the rise of false prophets and false messiahs who will deceive many with misleading signs and wonders. AI is accelerating towards the establishment of a world government and the establishment of a new world order.
Furthermore, the Bible reveals a spiritual landscape during the end times, describing an increase in lawlessness, a cooling of love, and a turning away from the faith. The perseverance of believers in the face of tribulation is emphasized, with a promise that the gospel will be preached to all nations before the end.
In the Book of Revelation, apocalyptic visions unveil the emergence of the final global empire, depicting cosmic disturbances, sealed judgments, and the appearance of the Antichrist, a figure of great deception. It also speaks of Christ's ultimate victory over evil.
Throughout these prophecies, the Bible consistently emphasizes the importance of spiritual preparedness, vigilance, and faithfulness amidst the challenges and uncertainties of the end times. The overall message is one of hope, urging believers to remain steadfast in their trust in God's sovereignty and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
Everyone is welcome to participate, so please join us in offering prayers, filling the streets of Osaka with praise, and blessing the city through prayer. We encourage you to spread the name of Jesus and the gospel. Thank you. The Lord is near. We eagerly anticipate the presence of the Lord. Maranatha (Come, Lord Jesus). We pray for God's abundant blessings upon those who read this.
"When small lights come together, they become a bright light that illuminates the darkness!"